Feel like the only mom without a village?

I've been there. (Many times, actually.)

We're told that it takes a village. But what we're not told is that villages don't just happen - you have to CREATE them.

And it's not as hard as you might think.

So Let's Build It.

I'll guide you through how to create the village you've always wanted, so you never feel like the odd mom out again.

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    Hi! I'm Emily.

    I'm a corporate mom and a fierce friend. Having moved several times, I've had to create my support network from scratch time and again. And I've learned a thing or two about creating real, authentic connections that are truly life-saving!

    What's Inside?

    • Where to make new friends
    • What to say (without being creepy!)
    • How and when to follow-up
    • How to go from acquaintance to fierce friend - and fast!